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Show available WiFi networks on Windows 11!

I don't want my Windows 11 taskbar to be centered!

Quick access to Windows 11 Defender settings?

Virtual printer windows 11?

Deactivate docking in Windows 11?

Always show the scroll bar in the Windows 11 settings?

Set file type in Windows 11 for APPs and applications?

Log off desktop shortcut on Windows 11/10!

Uninstall applications on Windows 11!

Quad Explorer: see folder size in the status bar!

Favorites in the Run dialog for Windows 11, 10, ... as an alternative!

Freeware: ThisIsMyFile for Windows – Unlock and delete files and directories!?

Force logout from the info area of ​​the taskbar!

Create a new scan profile in order not to repeat settings!

Fast landscape, portrait or landscape conversion and Preview switch!

Show more decimal digit in folder size in Windows all!

Tip simple several rename in the File Explorer Views!

Classic and modern address bar for all File Explorer Windows, or both together!

Make Always on Top, To-Tray, Transparency for all Windows on 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Save Icon Layout at Program Start and exit!

Windows Keyboard Shortcut to open DVD/CD plus command line!

What is the name of the administrator in Linux?

Ease access to Mouse Setting from Task-Bar To-Tray or Main Menu !

Directory expression Directory structure and file details!

Prevent forced shutdown or something so!

Maybe the Windows 11, 10 problem is related to the faulty RAM update!

You can also use the Office Document Filter and optional for images!

A stop watch that looks good even under Windows 10!

Shrink images in batch processing, it can be that easy!

Gran Carribien Canion Isola 3d Test for MS Windows 11, 10, ... OS!

Rain drops on the Windows 10/11 PCs and Laptops!

Be an Antivirus on MS Windows OS!

The corona viruses have mutated into macro viruses!

A 3D desktop clock for MS Windows 11, 10, ... and MS Server OS with various settings!

The Office picture extraction tool is in the wrong language, is it also possible in others?

Film.Strip.Explorer is the film strip view from Windows XP for 10! 

Famous Desktop Calendar in To-Tray of the Windows 11, 10, ... Task-Bar!

Only find identical images and exclude similar ones when searching?

V-Ram test the quality of the Ram and the Virtual PC/CPU!

Zoom in and out of a page?

Stress for GPU on Windows 11, 10 and old Win 7 plus see the load balance!

A clock developed for Windows 11 as Gif Animation Demo?

Q-Dir the Quad-Explorer in Windows Admin-Mode as administrator!

Manage your own files in all four Explorer views!

Total length of the media in an Explorer column under Windows 10, 8.1, ...!

Grouping and possibilities in Quad-Explorer Q-Dir!

Customize or change the download folder in Edge Chromium?

Activate or deactivate the auto update in Desktop-OK for Windows OS!

I'm looking for a Sticky Note alternative for Windows 11 and 10!

Windows 11, 10 File Explorer does not remember the selected objects when navigating!

The lost Internet Explorer on Windows 10!

Check if all folders enjoy virus protection under Windows 10!

Windows 10 app deny microphone access, but how!

Activate automatic driver downloads under Windows 11 and 10!

Download free Windows Live Movie Maker for Windows 11, 10, ...!

Under Windows 10/11 programs and windows apps disappear, why?

The difference between the touch screen on a desktop computer and tablet!

I can not find the bytes on my Windows 10/11 PC?

With several Monitors make the Windows 11 or 10 desktop better to use!

Use the PC sleep timer on Windows 10 / 11!

Windows desktop print on one page?

Preview fonts installed in Windows 11 or 10, how does that work?

Free form Screenshot and edit in MS Paint on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Find Advanced display Settings on Windows 10 / 11 and server!

Single click to execute or open a file on Windows 11, 10, ...!

Changing sleep mode settings under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ..!

Why you cannot completely uninstall Internet Explorer!

External monitor, work with closed lid on notebook under Windows 10/11!

How to delete a locked folder or file in Windows 10/11!

Local Security Policy in Windows 10/11!

Exclude external drive from Defender Virus Scan!

After updating Win-10/11 no space on the disk, what now?

Start the drawing program MS Paint via the Start menu tile!

Turn-Off the search indexing service in Windows 10/11!

Reset Windows 10 at update problem (restore action)!

Quickly deactivate and activate Cortana on Windows 11 and 10!

Desktop clock in silver without transparency!

Visual Windows Fonts Compare!

Enable Dark Mode in File Explorer Q-Dir!

Possibility to make OWN theme in Q-Dir for Windows?

What is a screen brightness manager for Windows used for?

Hide when run: commands, favorite cmd-s in Run-Command - Windows 10, 11, 8.1, 7!

Is the 35-times overwriting of the data safe? Can any human recover the data?

Why is my measured latency half as large as what the manufacturer specifies?

How do I optimize VHD and VHDX files with PowerShell?

How do I remove the reboot deletion program from my windows 11, 10?

Difference between time(0) and clock() in CPP and C?

Difference between IExtractImage2 and IExtractImage?

Windows 10 with HEIF format?

LCD monitors, laptop screens and fixed screen resolution is wrong?

Send to desktop is missing in Windows 11, 10, ... or MS Server OS?

The view settings or adjustments are lost, are they incorrect?

What does the gateway service do on my PC?

Restore icons Size and Spacing from command line, how to?

Why can I not create the desktop shortcuts on Vista desktop?

Start batch files one after the other and not at the same time?

Quickly disable windows user account via command line?

Increase the maximum size of the virtual hard disk via command prompt!

Set maximum password age / expiration date via Windows PowerShell!

Resolve problems with wireless networks by resetting TCP / IP!

Load and save the Windows 10 start menu with PowerShell!

Create multiple guest accounts on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, MS Server with commands?

Command prompt, change CMD settings, color, font, ...?

How to scans all protected system files (command-line)?

How to find and replace text in Microsoft Word?

How to capitalize text in Microsoft Excel?

How do I use 3-D text in Office presentation or document?

Delete all emails at once or selective in Outlook!

Turn off or on the special characters and symbols in MS Office or adjust them!

Open MS Office documents when the computer starts, but how?

GetWindowText Error message?

Uninstall, remove desktop aero clock, but how from windows 11, 10, ...?

Can I use the Windows 10, 8.1, 7, ... Explorer.exe in XP?

Does renaming a shortcut affect the application?

Query code signing certificate for apps under Windows 12, 11, 10?

Is there Windows without administrator rights?

Windows RETAIL, OEM or volume license?

Why does Windows keep getting bigger on the hard drive?

Creating desktop shortcuts to your favorite website?

How do I create symbols/icons for Microsoft Windows?

Who benefits most from unlocking and deleting files, and why?

Can I ignore file extensions when searching in Explorer view?

Can I filter certain file types in the folder contents printing?

You don't want to say that it's better than Adobe Photoshop?

Can I also use the BUGs under Windows 11?

When time-out select between hibernation and standby for your Windows OS!

Windows 10/11 desktop icons move randomly when connecting a monitor!

Looking for an USB Floppy Emulator on Windows 10 / 11?

Can i activate the classic design in Windows 10 (98 or 95)!

Disable Auto Connections to WiFi on Windows 10 / 11 (Wireless, WLAN)?

How to teach your handwriting style on Windows 10/11 and the recognizer?

Save Images of Login Screen on Windows 10/11 (Lock, location)?

Customize Auto-Play settings in Windows 10/11, (enable disable)!

Download Windows 10 all Version with Windows MediaCreationTool?

Why Windows 10/11 close my programs and APPs at program start?

Where are the Start Menu settings in Windows 10?

Adjust the preview window size in Windows 10/11, how to (MS-Explorer, enable)?

Windows 10/11: Change product key for a new activation of Win-10, how-to?

Hide the Switch User at Login Screen on Windows 10/11?

Can I rename the This-PC in My-Computer on Windows 10?

Is the Full Screen function in the Magnifier under Windows XP or only in Windows 11 and 10 possible?

How do I change the language of PreventTurnOff?

Automatic quit or standby if Battery ?? Percent has!

What is the Auto Hide Mouse Cursor tool for Windows useful for?

What is Minesweeper?

Should I use a single color desktop color or a background image?

What should you watch out for with food in relation to allergy sufferers?

What are EPUB files?

Disable automatic updates, yes or no!

COMODO CA Limited Problem May 2019 Certifikate!

What is physical memory and how does its size vary?

Can I really turn my photos into PDF files on all Windows 11, 10, ... OS?

How to uninstall Win Scan To PDF from Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...?

How can I deactivate the grouping of the folder size (Folder-Size) view?

Benefits of using a screen pixel tester?

Disable explorer auto expand in windows 8.1 / 10, how to ?

Windows Desktop shortcut for Excel, Outlook, Word 2013 / 365, how to!

Download designs, or themes for Windows 8.1, 10!

Change image of Windows 8.1 and 10 lock screen (select, delete)!

Windows 8.1 or 10 to Extend test period in or delay activation tool!

The Windows 8.1 Desktop Search!

How to change the desktop Icon size in Windows 8 / 10 to classic (8.1, XP)?

Create Windows 8 / 8.1 desktop shortcut for Program-Files and Program-Files(x86)!

How to see hidden files and folder and file name extensions in Windows 8.1 / 10 Explorer?

Where is my computer on windows 8.1/10  to manage files and folders (open, find, start)?

How to change the Windows 8 user password, remove or create?

Windows-8 Download?

Is kinokiste.to illegal or legal?

Log in to www.yahoo.com, crack the password, or register for FreeMail?

Export favorites from Google Chrome, for example for a guest account?

What I have to use Portable or X64, or ... of FontView OK?

The Internet on the Samsung Galaxy is too slow, what to do?

I don't always have the same CPU frequency, why?

Switch Language in Non-Compressible-Files for Windows!

The stop-clock does not display hours?

Which pointer should I use as an extended mouse pointer?

Difference in percentage picture reduction and size adapt to picture width?

What are the main differences between Server 2025 and 2022?

Create an SMB folder on a Windows Server?

Microsoft Office 2013 download links plus trial test versions!

For what snow on the desktop, who needs something like that?

What else will there be in freeware, what is planned!

How does mouse trail length affect Windows 12, 11, 10 performance?

Who needs another 3D benchmark on Windows 11, 10, ... etc.?

High CPU usage by Windows Explorer at 100 percent?

What do the letters in the Attributes column mean, such as: A, HS, R or RHSA?

How to troubleshoot Device Pairing Wizard issues on Windows?

How do I change the PayPal password?

Who should not use the Digital Desktop Clock in Windows?

What is Digital Clock in Foreground and what is Always Foreground Forced?

Is there already a look at the advanced system settings in Windows 12?

Windows 12 64-Bit-Download?

Why should I use Quad File Explorer on Windows?

The symbol spacing is very close together in Quad Explorer for Windows!

Q-Dir full translation or only the strings with the changes?

What for are the Lines and Buttons at the root in Tree-View ?

Enabling mouse over scrolling, i use the mouse scroll wheel!?

Explorer window have 1 or more tabs and default folder tab? 

Is there a search function in Quad Explorer?

How can i manage, bacup or delete the favorites for all Explorer Views in Q-Dir?

Required extension: WGL_ARB_pbuffer is not supported?

Does it make sense to use a 4K TV as a PC monitor?

What is DirectX 12 Ultimate please?

Difference between freeware and software?

What are Windows 11, 10, ... etc. Services?

How to Repair Paralyzed Pixels on an LCD Monitor?

What is the WDDM driver model of my GPU / graphics card?

Windows keyboard commands with examples for remote desktop?

Defragment or optimize (hard drive, drive, SSD)?

Data transfer rates for DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4, how fast?

What are variables?

How can i translate AutoHideDesktopIcons Free in my language?

How to remove the raindrops from my Windows desktop?

Change File and Folder time via MS Explorer Menu!

Force the window to be in the foreground or in the background!

Understanding DPI in Windows 11 screen resolution?

Windows 11 language files, can't find them?

Is it possible to change account type on Windows 11?

Why is Windows 11 download so easy and free?

How to change taskbar color in / for Windows 11?

I can't change the size of the start menu or taskbar in Windows 11?

Help can't change the theme on Windows 11, why?

Where is the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 11?

How to set internet data limit in Windows 11?

Check whether Windows 11 is activated, where can I see it?

How to change the search options in Windows 11 File Explorer?

Does Windows 11 have disk cleanup for hard drives?

Help, Windows 11 doesn't have a screensaver, why?

Change device installation settings under Windows 11?

How long does it take to install Windows 11?

Difference between IPv6 and IPv4?

Difference between TensorFlow and Keras?

Difference between Jenkins and Travis CI?

Difference between frontend and backend?

Difference between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning?

What do I need admin rights to close / quit programs with Process-KO?

How do I know if HD is bad then? Is it certain number!

Is there also a way to save the position of the sticky notes?

Can I save the desktop icon layout in the company without Admin rights?

FAQ: What is the purpose of quickly inserting text in Windows?

Import from the clipboard text and windows commands!

How work the Paste HTML command in QuickTextPaste?

Can I still shoot the viruses away on Windows 11?

The desktop note is transparent I can barely see the font, why?

Open, edit, backup and restore registry!  

Set hotkey for the day difference calendar as a fast shortcut!

Switch Language in Windows-7 (install, change, add)?

Can i change user account picture in Windows 7?

How to change in Windows-7 the display of dates, times, currency and measurements?

How can I change user passwords in Windows 7 and 8.1 without knowing current password?

Help, Windows 7 has no games (find, install, play)?

Disable sound on Windows 7 when clicking link eg navigation click sound?

What is the difference between Windows 7 Ultimate x64 to x86?

What is Bandwidth Management?

What does mounted mean?

What are dangerous file types?

What is a Rubik's Cube?

What is an x86 program?

What is Synchronize (sync)?

What are proprietary file formats?

What is a separator?

What is a VeraCrypt container?

What are address classes?

What is adjustment?

What means Windows Ten?

What is a cortana?

Left-Right Arrow Keys?

What are program arguments, parameters, variables?

What is Multi-Core Processors?

What is a Trial version?

Who should definitely use the BIN to ISO converter WinBin2Iso?












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